Kisi-kisi Soal Seleksi Masuk SC Ekonomi 2017/2018

Wednesday, August 09, 2017 Posted by Unknown No comments
Here we go...

1. What is economics?
2. Economics problems
3. Principle of Eco nomics
4. Opportunity cost
5. Macro vs Micro
6. Economy system
7. Circular Flow Diagram
8. Demand & Supply concept and applications
9. Market equilibrium
10. Elasticity concept and applications
11. Market structure concept and applications
12. Production Theory
13. Cost of Production
14. OJK (general knowledge)
15. Banking system & products (general knowledge)
16. Capital Market (practical knowledge)*
17. Centrak Bank concept
18. Cooperation concept
19. National Income concept
20. Consumption Theory application*
21. Economic growth concept*
22. Unemployment concept
23. Inflation and its policies
24. International Trade concept*
25. Basic Accounting*

*For 11th grader only


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